Whistle While You Work Career Assessment
If you enjoy solving puzzles and problems, you may like to be a mining engineer.
If you enjoy making maps and drawing, you could become an industrial designer.
If you ranked collecting and identifying rocks highly, you might like being a geologist.
If you are good at organizing group activities, you could become a good plant manager.
Woods, plants, and animals are managed by environmental engineers and wildlife managers.
Writing and talking on the phone are among the daily activities of public relations and marketing professionals.
Students who are good at computer games might enjoy careers in data processing.
Big trucks and machinery are operated by miners.
Plants need people who are good at working with tools to be plant workers.
If you have a knack for selling things, you might enjoy being a sales representative.
See how well you can match each career definitions with its career title. Click on the Career Matching Activity button to play a matching game.